Saint David’s Uniting Church
Castle Street, Treforest CF37 1TA
Minister: Vacancy
Church Telephone No: 07766892487
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
15th December 2024
We welcome you all to our third service of Advent, whether you are with us in person or watching later.
We are very pleased to welcome Revd Peter Noble on his first visit to our new abode, not that the building is unfamiliar to him, as he has led many services here in the past.
We pray that we may all know the joy of worship in God’s presence, and experience the challenge of his word to us as Peter leads us.
Fair-trade tea and coffee will be served after this service, we invite you to enjoy some light refreshments in the company of friends, when you will be able to peruse the selection of Christmas cards that are available.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week:
- We are not aware of anyone who is unwell this week, which is good news, but as we approach Christmas we think of those who will possibly be alone during the festive season.
- We wish those are spending Christmas away from home a safe journey.
- We remember people who have sad memories this time of the year.
- We especially pray for all those of our fellowship who are no longer able to join us for worship.
There are two people who will be celebrating their birthdays this week: Mike O’Callaghan Williams on Monday 16th and Susan Thomas, who has a ‘special’ birthday on Thursday 19th, Congratulations!
We hope you both enjoy your celebrations.
…..from Marilyn “I would like to thank everyone for their cards and good wishes on my birthday, it made my birthday so special. Diolch.” Marilyn E.
Diary for the Week
Today Carol Singing at Sainsbury’s at 2.30pm
Monday 16th Language class in the Hall at Treforest at 10.00am.
The Park Ramblers will meet to walk at 10.15 followed by Coffee at Princes
Wednesday 18th St David’s Guild will meet from 1.45pm at St Catherine’s (See item below)
Sunday 22nd Iestyn will lead our Nativity Service, which will include communion, at 10.45am
Future Services
Sunday 29th December A service of Carols and Readings
Sunday 5th January Mike Hardy from Leprosy Mission
Sunday 12th January Zoom service with Rev Simon Walkling
Christmas Greetings
Our ‘Christmas Greetings’ board is in place! We are invited to write one generic for church friends that we see regularly and stick it on the board. As we do not have a card sorter this year if you have cards for those who are unable to come to church, we suggest you ask people who live near them if are willing to deliver.
Christmas Appeal
Special Christmas Envelopes are available for donations to this year’s appeal.
If you wish to gift-aid your donation, please put your name on the envelope.
This year we are supporting Ahla Fawda in Lebanon as our international charity and Crwban in Treforest as our local charity. The appeal will close on December 29th.
Park Ramblers
The Park Ramblers held their Christmas dinner last Monday in the Prince’s Restaurant in town. There was a very good uptake – twenty-five in number with just four stalwart members missing. This was a new venue but the upstairs room was ideal, accommodating everyone easily.
It’s not easy to put on one’s thinking cap after a big meal but the ramblers gave their all to two quizzes (and not easy ones) that were placed in front of them. Small prizes were awarded and everyone was pleased to hear that over the year £210 had been collected for the Pontypridd Food bank through their donations.
We look forward very much to our walk this week as the park has re-opened. We meet, by B+M on every Monday morning, rain or shine. You can walk as much or as little as you wish. Everyone is welcome to join!
St David’s Guild
Members enjoyed such a lovely craft afternoon last Wednesday under the guidance of Colleen. Each member was presented with a polypocket of individual pieces that were put together to make an extremely effective boutique-style handbag that shimmered and glittered in shades of red and gold and would hold a small gift. Thank you, Colleen, for all the preliminary work you did in preparation and for your patience in helping ladies who were unsure of the next step and in correcting some mishaps! There is a photo of Guild members and bags in the hall!
This week is the last meeting of the Guild’s Autumn programme. Eira Roberts will be entertaining us on her trumpet and with miscellaneous items. It will be a fun afternoon that’s for sure!
We invite anyone who has a free afternoon next Wednesday to join us in the lower room of the church hall at St Catherine’s at 2pm. Friends are more than welcome to join us.
Leprosy Mission
Leprosy Mission boxes & Annual donations can be given to Margaret Morris. If you send a cheque, please make it payable to St David’s Uniting Church. Marcia will accept them if Margaret is not in church.
Thought for the Week
‘Never forget that Justice is what love looks like in public.’ (Cornel West)