Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
NO Livestream this week –
26th May 2024
We welcome everyone who joins us for worship today, especially if you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time.
We also apologise that we are unable to livestream the service and that the service will not be recorded.
This week we have the pleasure of welcoming Lay Preaching Advocate for URC Wales Synod, Maggie Kirkbride, to lead our service. The service will include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper which will be hosted by Rev Ray Vincent
As usual Handmade cards are available to purchase, with all proceeds going to church funds.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We hold Sonia in our prayers as she waits to say farewell to her sister at her funeral on June 4.
- We continue to hold Marcia and the family in our thoughts and prayers on the passing on May 17th of Brian.
- Elsie should hopefully have news on Tuesday about starting treatment.
- Renda has moved to her new house in Rhydyfelin. She is very happy with it.
- We have missed Sue Skym from worship as she is suffering with arthritis.
- Several people, including Pat Howell have been suffering with a viral type cough, we hope all are better soon.
- We think of those of our fellowship who are finding life a challenge or are waiting for appointments
- Jean Davies had a CT scan recently; we have not yet heard about the results.
- Cyril Davies is unable to get out much now and misses being able to worship with us. A phone call is always welcome,
Last week’s birthdays weren’t included in the bulletin, ~ Madeleine Howells celebrated a special Birthday on Sunday19th, others were Millie Owen on 20th and Pete Davies on 22nd ~ we hope those who were celebrating had a good time.
Those celebrating this week are: Jayne Bright & Margaret Morris on Wednesday 29th May, Deborah Jones on Friday 31th May and John Davies and Marilyn Young on Saturday 1st June.
…..From Sonia. ‘I wish to thank people for the cards and condolences I have received following the death of my sister Hazel, they have been a great comfort to me at this sad time.
Preparing to move to Castle Sq.
The elders have started looking at what we’ll take with us to Treforest. If anyone has strong feelings about any item(s) please let your elder know.
Diary for the Week
Monday 20th Language class at 10.00am.
Park Ramblers meet by Nat West Bank at 10.15 – followed by Coffee in Café Lido
Wednesday 29th St David’s Guild at 2pm in the Victoria room. (see below)
Thursday 30th Meeting at 6.30 to organise Celebration service on Saturday July 20th. (see below)
Sunday 2nd Morning Worship at 10.45 with Dave Kitchen
St David’s Guild Phil Wall is back in Wales! All are welcome to the guild meeting when Phil will give a short talk on his experiences in youth justice.
Celebration Service Anyone interested in being involved in any way at all in the organising of the Celebration Service is welcome to attend. If you’re unable to come along but would still like to take part, please let your elder know.
Future Services
June 9th Zoom Service June 16th Rev Aled Edwards June 23rd Rev Ray Vincent
For our Zoom service on 9th June, we will be joining with Christ Well in Swansea where the service is being led by Simon Walkling. Everyone will be able to join in the service as it will be shared both in church and for those who would like to join in at home. Please note that the service will start at 10:30am,
Nominations for Elders ~ A Reminder
Nomination forms for two places on the eldership are now available. Please speak with your elder/pastoral buddy if you are unable to pick one up.
Here’s the t’s and c’s…!
Current eldership: Lynda Bull, Liz Henson, Claire Hughes, Viviane Lamare, Pam Mahoney, Maralyn Tomlinson, Bethan Walkling, Catherine Naamani. These need not be nominated.
All St. David’s Uniting Church members can nominate any other church member. More than one name can be given and neither a seconder, nor the permission of the person you’re nominating needs to be sought. Forms must be received by 2nd June. Elders will be affirmed at the AGM
The envelope collection has raised £590 to date. Envelopes are still available, please hand them in by June 2nd. Envelopes are still available if anyone wishes to donate.
Charity Appeals
We have received a letter acknowledging receipt of £390.00 to Money for Madagascar (MfM) for their work with vulnerable communities. This is an extract from the letter which is on the table.
For 37 years MfM has supported Malagasy communities to reduce poverty, build resilience and protect the environment through sustainable community lead initiatives. As hunger and malnutrition grip 50% of Madagascar’s population we have stepped up our school feeding to provide 100 school canteens, some of which receive daily rations from Mary’s Meals.
To see the impact of your donation please follow our website
We have also received a letter of thanks from BMS World Mission for our Harvest Appeal gift of £340.
Thought for the Week
The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it.
Chinese Proverb