Saint David’s Uniting Church
Castle Street, Treforest CF37 1TA
Minister: Vacancy
Church Telephone No: 07766892487
Admin email: [email protected]
This week’s service is not being live streamed.
5th January 2025
We welcome you all to our service today which is Epiphany in the church calendar.
We are pleased to welcome Mike Hardie, Community Partnerships Manager for The Leprosy Mission.
The last Sunday in January is World Leprosy Day, so we are getting in early as Mike will be bringing us up to date on the work of TLM. It has been some time since we have had the privilege of a visit. We look forward to what he will share with us.
Tea and coffee will be served in the hall following the service, and handmade cards will be on sale. Please join us for this time of informal fellowship.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week:
- Liz’s Auntie Ann, (her mother’s twin) passed away peacefully on Sunday 29th. We hold Liz, her Mum Shirley and all the family in our prayers as they prepare for her funeral.
- Marlene Mcloy has sought her GP’s help for a dreadful cough, she has been given a short course of antibiotics and has been advised to stay in the warm!
- Heather broke her shoulder at the end of October: and thanks to Physio has managed to drive her car!
There is just one person in our fellowship that we are aware of with a birthday this week;
Carol Powell will be celebrating on Monday 6th. Enjoy ‘YOUR’ day Carol.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that we wrote ‘Isobel will be going to York!. We were coping with the pandemic, University wasn’t going to be as expected, online learning, social distancing!! They weren’t easy years – But Isobel survived and we are delighted that she will be graduating this week. The family will be celebrating her fantastic achievement.
….Catherine would like to thank everyone for their messages of concern and care following Aisha’s tonsillectomy on New Year’s Eve. They’ve all been passed on. Aisha is recovering well, although is still in quite a lot of pain.
…..from Tony Grigg…”I’m not an organised person, and I opened my cards before the ‘event!’ I was very surprised by the many cards and kind wishes I received for my ‘Special’ Birthday. Many thanks to all who sent them. Tony
Diary the Week
Monday 6th Language Class in the Hall at 10.00am
The Park Ramblers will meet to walk at 10.15 followed by Coffee at The Princes
Sunday 12th Zoom Service with Rev Simon Walkling. The Zoom link below will be open from 10.15am, the service will start at 10.30am
Future Services
Sunday 19th January Church Anniversary ~ 23 Years
Sunday 26th January Rev Rob May Communion
Sunday 2nd February Rev Peter Noble
Christmas Greetings
Our ‘Christmas Greetings’ board is still in place! Extra Cards were ‘pinned up’ on December 22nd from Marlene R, Hilary, Diane & Alan, Catherine, Bilal and family, Pat Cooke, Kath & Dave, and Marlene McC
Christmas Appeal
The Christmas appeal closed on December 29th ~ As at 18th December £485 had been received, that has risen to £735 which does not include Gift Aid. We’ll give an update next week. The final figure will be split between Ahla Fawda in Lebanon and Crwban in Treforest. Thanks to all who contributed.
Church Directory
We will be issuing a new directory, hopefully, next month, but we need to update our records first. It’s seven years since most people completed a GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) form. Everyone will need to complete and return a new form a.s.a.p – it can be completed on-line using this link –
For those without internet access paper forms are available.
Please could anyone who was given a form in November return it to Marcia or ask for another one.
St David’s Guild
The next guild meeting is on Wednesday January 15th: We hope the weather will be OK by then! Guild Diaries are available from Marcia, if you haven’t received one.
Leprosy Mission
We were late opening our annual appeal for The Leprosy Mission and to date we have received £290. If you send a cheque, please make it payable to St David’s Uniting Church. Margaret Morris will accept your donations. The closing date is January 12th
Money raised for the last quarter of 2024 for Pontypridd foodbank from weekly donations came to £160
Thought for the Week
Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears not to oust them.
Vincent McNabb