Saint David’s Uniting Church
Castle Street, Treforest CF37 1TA
Minister: Vacancy
Church Telephone No: 07766892487
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
9th February 2025
We welcome you all to our services today, especially if you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time.
Our service today is being led by our good friend, Haydn Blackey. We are privileged that Haydn has again so willingly accepted our invitation. We pray that, through him and with him, we may be made aware of God’s message to us all.
Tea and coffee will be served in the hall following the service, and handmade cards will be on sale. Please join us for this time of informal fellowship and catch up with friends.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week:
- We ask your prayers for those known to us who are not in good health.
- We think of those who are unable to join us in person for worship.
- There are several people who are struggling with daily life, may they find the strength to keep going.
- Please remember the Church Elders as they are constantly trying to improve things as we are still settling in to our ‘new’ home.
There is just one person that we are aware of with a birthday this week; Lorraine Rees on Monday 10th
No doubt she will be celebrating with her family. Enjoy ‘YOUR’ day Lorraine!
Future Ministry
Just a little reminder to keep the weekend 22-23 March free for the visit of Clare who will be meeting with us as the potential minister for the Pastorate.
Diary the Week
Monday 10th Language Class in the Hall at 10.00am
The Park Ramblers will meet to walk at 10.15 followed by Coffee at The Princes
Wednesday 12th St David’s Guild will meet St David’s Guild will meet from 1.45pm at St Catherine’s
Sunday 16th Maggie Kirkbride, Admin Officer and Lay Preaching Advocate for URC Wales Synod will lead our service at 10.45.
St David’s Guild
Guild members enjoyed their annual dinner when they met at the Blueberry Hotel last Wednesday. A ‘dingbat’s’ quiz held no problems for them as they sailed through the question sheet in no time at all! Well done everyone.
A very big thank you to Marcia for organising the dinner, collecting the money and providing everyone with their dinner choices.
This week Dr Christine Chapman will be giving an illustrated talk on ‘Women who broke the mould in Wales’.
Live Streaming Services
Our technical team are still trying to are trying to keep everyone happy with the right balance of sound, unfortunately last week it resulted in our live-stream and the YouTube recording losing sound for the hymns. We apologise to those who missed the excellent singing!!
Zoom Services
We are all aware of the excellent job our Pulpit Supplies Secretary Catherine does, however it is not always possible to keep to our practice of having Zoom services on the second Sunday of the month. They will be on the first Sunday for the next three months.
Future Services
Sunday 23rd February Rev Aled Edwards
Sunday 2nd March Rev Ray Vincent ZOOM
Sunday 9th March Rev Owen Griffiths
Penrhys – A Village on a Hill.
Those who were in Church last week will have heard Peter Noble promoting this book by John and Norah Morgans. It records how God encouraged the creation of Llanfair, a church community to come into being in 1992. In its struggle to become a village, Llanfair Penrhys revealed vision, courage and determination. It discovered core values enabling it to become the heart of the community. Copies are available at £10
Leprosy Appeal
We gave incorrect information last week! The final amount is £410 !
GDPR Forms
Next week is the final week for these forms to be returned. It can be completed on line using this link – or paper forms are available from Marcia.
Handmade Cards
If you know of anybody celebrating special wedding anniversaries, birthdays etc please let Colleen know and we can help them celebrate! Orders can be placed and personalised! So, if anyone would like a handmade card, contact Colleen.
Thought for the Week
Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed, they create our courage and our wisdom.
It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually.
It is through the pain of confronting problems that we learn.
M Scott Peck. 1936-2005